Why do you always have to be the best?
Have you ever thought that you can be second best somewhere and still do well?
This person may only be best at this particular thing, while you do best at so many other endeavours.
Allow others to shine here and there; it will not take away from you.
What people are saying:
totally agree!
We all need to be more tolerant and show kindness towards everyone!
–Barbara Onyskow
Lovely, Adeodata!
This sounds like my LEAD program that speaks to us all: Listen. Empathize. Act. Drive.
– Marilyn Field
Thanks so much for your Newsletter, and yes those resolutions are more realistic than the usual nonsense ones that people make. Do take care, and hopefully we’ll have another year of exchanging our views and ideas.
– Blessings, from Dawn
Thank you Adeodata!
Always a pleasure to read your newsletters and think about you.
– Florin Draghici
You’re a peach to have all those good ideas.
– Jerome Shore
Thank you for all your advice and insights! I have always been a huge fan of yours, and remain so.
– Jeff Chow Creative Director
Provoq Inc. | Strategic and Creative Branding
Thank You Adeodata!
Good advice.
– Erik Gero
This is a beautiful message!
– Valerie Dooley
Good advice!
– Gisela von Schilling
Nagyon-nagyon köszönöm a küldeményedet, fantasztikusan elegáns a kivitelezése és csodaszépek az újévi gondolatok.
– Székely Leila, Gödöllö
Upcoming Workshops?
age 9 to 12
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Saturday, March 4
Sunday, March 12
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto
$40; $70 for two students
Age 13 to 17
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, February 25 – full
Sunday, March 5
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto
Includes three course lunch,
A ten-page workbook and a quiz
$175; $295 for two students
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, February 4 – full
Saturday, March 11
Saturday, April 15
Saturday, April 22
Otherwise mostly private sessions
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto
Includes three course lunch,
an 11-page workbook and a quiz
$175 for university students
$295, $450 for two persons