I would like to introduce Jess Bolluyt who interviewed me and a few flight attendants on flying etiquette. This is such a fabulous article, I would like to share it with you.

Flight Attendants Reveal the Things They’re Silently Judging You for


Upcoming Workshops

Sunday, November 19, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
10 a.m. to 12 noon
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto
$40; $70 for two

Teen Etiquette
Saturday, December 2, 2017
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto
Includes three course lunch and
an 8-page workbook
$140; $250 for two; refresher $70

Adult Etiquette
Please call for appointment
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto
Includes three course lunch and quiz


What People Are Saying

I love that with age and experience comes the wisdom to know how (and when) to step up and speak up, rathering than stewing in our own frustration. Well said!
– Jodi Blackwood
Business Etiquette & Customer Experience Specialist

Good points! Thank you for sharing.
– Barbara

Wise advice as usual. Would you consider writing a similar article from the other end? Occasionally I have the misfortune of witnessing some pretty disrespectful, rude behaviour toward the salesperson. No matter what the complaint, it can be, should be dealt with in a respectful manner. Not only does poor behaviour affect the person against whom it is directed, it also has a demoralizing effect on the bystanders.
– Agi

Again another Newsletter full of helpful tips. I like reading the comments of your readers too. Very encouraging. Keep up the good work.
– Dawn

As always, I enjoy reading your newsletters!
– Nina