Find someone who is alone and would like your company for a little while. At least make a phone call and offer to take them to a Christmas concert. We never know when we would appreciate a gentle knock on the door. And if you want to donate, suggestion is that you give to local places, close to home.  

Merry Christmas.

And for you who do not celebrate Christmas, have a wonderful holiday.

What people are saying:

I really enjoyed reading about saying “sorry” and what is more appropriate. 

Thank you for your newsletter,

– Tanya

Fast, personal, mean it!

Got it

– Jerome Shore

As always, great newsletter Adeodata. 

– Debbie

Köszönjük szépen, színvonalas és hasznos mint mindig:

– Edit

Köszönöm Aporkám, nagyon érdekes és szép dolgokkal foglalkozol. 

– Péter

Köszönöm Aporka a hirlevelet; jo olvasni ilyesmit

Nagy Zsuzsanna

Upcoming Workshops


Age: 9 to 12  Time: 10 a.m. to 12 noon

December 9, Saturday

December 19, Tuesday

January 28, Sunday

February 24, Saturday

Price: $50; $80 for two students, $100 for three.

Teen etiquette workshop

Age: 13 to 17 Time: 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

January 3, Wednesday – full

January 13, Saturday

January 21, Sunday – one spot left

March 2, Saturday

Includes: three-course lunch, a ten-page workbook and a quiz

Price: $175; $295 for two students, $350 for three, $400 for four

Adult etiquette workshop

Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

January 27, Saturday

February 25, Sunday

Otherwise, mostly private sessions

Includes: three-course lunch, an 11-page workbook and a quiz

Price: $295, $450 for two persons, $550 for three, $600 for four;

University students: $175;

Address: 100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto