We have touched on cell phone etiquette a couple of times in the last fifteen years; but this time I would like to share with you an interview clip that Global 3 TV in Toronto aired last month. I stressed that the moment you pull up your phone, you make the person you are with secondary. The funniest of course, is when the girl walks into the pool.
The interviewer: Alexandra Abdelwahab
The camera man: Don Curran
Here is the link: http://www.globalnews.ca/video/812429/sorry-but-canadians-are-losing-their-reputation-as-polite-thanks-to-the-cell-phone
To register or inquire, please email adeodata@businessofmanners.com
What People are Saying
I always read your newsletters with interest. Regarding assumptions: My late husband (whom you knew well) always said: “Assuming makes an … out of you and me!” Though the expression is crude, it is easy to remember whenever one is on the verge of assuming something…
– Marie Agay, Sales Representative
Home/Life Victory Realty Inc.
I always teach about how we make assumptions all the time about the meaning of behaviours and are often wrong, especially when it comes to cross-cultural communication. Great post!
– Heather Chetwynd, Director
Voice to Word Consulting Inc.
Well done — and great examples, especially yours. You had to have been gritting your teeth! I had a sales woman do something similar one time, only it was in regard to size of clothing. She was carrying a skirt that looked interesting, so I stopped her; she looked me up and down, and then announced “This won’t fit you, you need a larger size.” I wanted to crawl under a rock, even though the skirt she was carrying actually was in my size. Never forgotten that. I always love receiving your news letters!
– Jodi
I had a similar experience. For my 10th anniversary I decided to buy my husband a more expensive watch. For me $5,000 was an expensive watch. I was on a business trip to Switzerland and I only had a short time to go and buy the watch. I was jet-lagged and wearing very casual clothes. The store was multi-level, with each floor having more and more expensive watches. I went to the mid-level where I thought I should be. I was completely ignored, while 3 Italian gentlemen with good suits were fawned over as they looked at Rolex watches. They ended up buying nothing. It wasn’t until they left and I went up to a sales person and stated: “I am here to buy a watch today and need some help” that they took me seriously. Even as I paid for the chosen watch I felt that I really wasn’t wanted in the store, nor was my business appreciated. Next time I guess I will come as a well-dressed man, and be sure I don’t have dark circles under my eyes… This event really made what was to be a happy shopping trip for my 10th anniversary an uncomfortable experience.
– Cynthia Weeden
(Loose translation in English right below) Igen Aporkám! A feltételezések sokszor balul ütnek ki. Még a hetvenes években hallottam, hogy a hires élelmiszerkerekedo lánc multimilliomos tulajdonosa kopott farmerben és egy öreg VW Golf autóval járt. A Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Bentley autókat is szerette, de azokat a garázsában, otthon különleges alkalmakra tartogatta. Beszélték róla, hogy egyszer lejárt a parkoló órája és az ellenor éppen akkor tette a szélvédojére a bünteto cédulát, amikor a manus odaért. Azt hiszem 20.- Márkát kellett volna fizetnie, de amikor az ellenor meglátta a kopott öltözéku manust, azt mondta neki: “adjon 5.- Márkát és összetépem a büntetopapírt”. “Ne fáradjon öregem, – felelt az ALDI fonök. – “Azt hiszem, hogy van még otthon 20.- Márkám…” Azzal zsebre vágta a büntetocédulát és a csodálkozástól lebénult parkort otthagyta.
– Szekely Peter
Loose translation in English: In the seventies there was a famous European multimillionaire who owned chain stores of food companies and had for good measure a Rolls-Royce, Ferrari and Bentley in his garage. He went about town in his worn jeans and old Volkswagen, whose parking meter had expired. The police just put the ticket on the window shield when the old rich man arrived. When the officer saw the man, he said “the ticket is for 20 Marks but give me five and I will rip up the ticket”. “Don’t bother”, said the old rich man, “I think I have another 20 marks at home” and left the dumbfounded officer standing there…
Good morning Adeodata, That was an interesting read!
– Rick Hurst
Sysco Vancouver
Thank you, always enjoy your tips.
– Carol A. Robichaud, FACC, AICI CIP
KCR Image Consulting