Baggage claim

I just came back from Europe and this is what I observed:
People are polite; lady always walks on a gentleman’s right; gentleman always steps down from the bus and helps lady down; gentleman always goes into a restaurant first; but when it comes to picking up the baggage at the airport, gee, wherever I go, it seems to be the same behaviour.

When standing in line for your luggage, you can be civilized, queuing up as the British do, in this case, not crowding the luggage carousel so that everyone can get their bag without somebody in the way, or be an absolute bore. You will not get your luggage any faster. But you will be recognized as a discourteous, inconsiderate person – or a gentleman. Your choice.

What people are saying:

Such a good idea to put a tip in the newsletter. And this is a good tip, indeed. 

–Jerome Shore

Thank you for your Newsletter. Amazing.

– Dobos Laci

Your service of teaching “good behaviour” is truly needed, as it is mostly missing from the educational system!

– Erik Gero

Nagy szükség van az etikettre, a protokollra minden téren!

Székelyné Leila

– Gödöll?, Hungary

Nagyon jó gondolat, köszönöm!

– Berta Barbara, Vancouver

Upcoming Workshops?


Age: 9 to 12 Time: 10 a.m. to 12 noon

Sunday, April 30

Saturday, May 27

Sunday, June 4

Saturday, June 10

100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto

$50 for one; $80 for two students

Teen etiquette workshop

Age: 13 to 17 Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sunday, April 23 – full

Saturday, April 29

Sunday, May 21

Saturday, June 18

100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto

Includes three course lunch,

A ten-page workbook and a quiz

$175 for one; $295 for two students

Adult etiquette workshop

Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday, April 22 – one spot left

Saturday, June 3

Otherwise mostly private sessions

100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto

Includes three course lunch,

an 11-page workbook and a quiz

$175 for university students

$295 for one; $450 for two persons