We Canadians are known to apologize for everything.
I step on your foot and you say “sorry” instead of “move over”.
Only apologize if you have hurt someone.
Then make it fast, in person, and mean it.
“I am sorry, I was wrong”
“I am sorry, I did not mean to hurt you”
“I am sorry, how can I make it up to you?”
And if they don’t want to forgive – at least you have tried.
What people are saying:
Excellent read. I do Etiquette classes for 8 to 21 year olds and it is making every sense. I live in Lusaka Zambia and in 2013 the late Queen Elizabeth ll conferred me with the order of the most venerable of St John Ambulance of Jerusalem.
– Annie Kapapula-Landu Machiya
Good evening, Adeodata:
A pleasure, as always, to read your newsletter.
It is gratifying to know there are servers who understand and deliver excellent customer service. I hope your readers go out of their way to notify a business of such an experience and recommend it to others. It is regrettably rare.
And supports what all businesses should know: even exemplary service is mentioned to only 1 or 2 while everyone we know is told when it’s not. The impact on the bottom line is real.
Kind regards,
– Elisabeth Sachs
“Fabulous service” column: Too true. Good to great service should be a restaurant rule, not the infrequent exception!
The phrase no problem should be banished from the lexicon of all front line servers and salespeople. Why should it be a problem? That’s why they are employed: to answer questions, to be of service, to be helpful.
And… we like Keg a lot. Food and service are consistently well above average.
– Bart Mindszenthy
Loved your article this month about the great service you received at The Keg. I hope you share it with the restaurant manager.
– Janice Ketchen
Loved reading this, Adeodata. Thank you.
– Catherine Bovaird
Always enjoy your newsletter. I really enjoyed this one and agree.
Best regards,
– Don Flynn
Thank You Adeodata for the newsletter. The waiters and waitresses indeed need to know the etiquette/ courteous behaviour. Something that puzzled me in North America is that the servers often serve the men first. I believe that just like on your picture of the article, the woman is served first, that should be an unwritten rule of courtesy.
– Erik Gero
So nice to find this positive item in my inbox. You’re a gem.
– Jerome Shore
The content of this newsletter was very good. I wish that more could be done in the Hospitality field.
Earlier this week my brother and I visited the Mandarin at Queens Plate in Etobicoke. I was almost embarrassed because I’m a frequent visitor there and they welcomed me like a long lost friend. Their “Welcome to the Mandarin” was changed to “welcome back nice to see you again”. The young lady who escorted us to our seats said to me: “I can see that you’re a frequent visitor” I jokingly told her that I have shares here. After that everything went really well and there ended another satisfied visit to the Mandarin.
– Dawn Clarke
Drága Aporkánk,
nagyon köszönjük a “Hírlevelet”, mindig élvezettel olvassuk.
– Péter és Leila
Love the restaurant tips you shared with us. You really do appreciate fine service when we get it.
– Debbie at Women’s Travel Network
WOW, love it, that is quite a change and very appropriate. Thanks Adeodata for sharing
– Gisela von Schilling
Upcoming Workshops
Age: 9 to 12 Time: 10 a.m. to 12 noon
November 18, Saturday
December 9, Saturday
December 19, Tuesday
Price: $50; $80 for two students, $100 for three.
Teen etiquette workshop
Age: 13 to 17 Time: 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
November 4, Saturday
November 26, Saturday
December 3, Sunday
Includes: three-course lunch, a ten-page workbook and a quiz
Price: $175; $295 for two students, $350 for three, $400 for four
Adult etiquette workshop
Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
November 11, Saturday
November 25, Saturday
December 2, Sunday – full
December 17, Sunday
Otherwise, mostly private sessions
Includes: three-course lunch, an 11-page workbook and a quiz
Price: $295, $450 for two persons, $550 for three, $600 for four;
University students: $175;
Address: 100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto