The definition of Christmas given by the Oxford Dictionary is ‘the festival of Christ’s birth celebrated by most Christian churches on 25 December, devoted especially to family reunion and jollification’. So, in the minds of most individuals, this whole month of December is devoted to three main activities: shopping and preparing to party; partying and doing more shopping; and then dealing with the effects of shopping and partying.

Enough said.

The charities with the highest percentage of actually donating to their charity are Salvation Army, Shriners and Terry Fox, in case you don’t feel like shopping.

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, have a Merry Christmas, and to all of my kind and faithful readers, a Happy New Year.



Teen etiquette workshop
Saturday, January 3, 2015
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto

Adult international etiquette
Saturday, January 10, 2014
9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
100 Dowling Avenue, Toronto

Advanced registration for
• Kidiquette

To register, please email


What People are Saying

Thank you for this newsletter. I enjoy reading them but this one really struck a nerve. I get quite incensed over people offering their transit seats to women with children who then allow the child to sit. That child has just been taught that they are more important than whoever gave up the seat – quite often an older person. I hope that your note about this will cause some changes.
– Gillian Clinton, Clinton Research

Haha, this is good. I totally agree on the kids one. I always give up my seat to mothers, or even fathers that are with their kids. Then they usually give it to their kids! I would totally make my daughter stand, this will build stronger muscles resulting in a better core foundation.
– Jeremy Choi

Lovely info again. Your website is a worthwhile reading. Non pretentious courtesy, this is exactly what I miss in North America. Years ago I was driving down to Washington DC. At a roadside stop I took a short brake. Going back to my car, I had to navigate among puddles created earlier by a downpour. Seeing an elderly woman doing the same I offered my hand to help. A gentleman sitting in his car witnessing the situation started talking to me. When I finally walked back to my car he loudly remarked: Ah, Canadian, that’s why you are so courteous! I wish common courtesy would be more common here in Canada. Thank you for contributing, by teaching it with your precious news letter.
– E.G.

Thank you for the newsletter. It reminded me of a time I had to take the subway home from Women’s College Hospital while I was 8 months pregnant. I fell earlier that day so I had to rush to the hospital so that they could put monitors on me to ensure all was okay. After many hours at the hospital, I made my way to the subway station. I was so tired from al that had happened during the day. I was pale and tired. Anyway, I spent most of my time standing. Nobody offered me a seat. How awful.
I think the government needs to run some ads on TV to remind and/or educate people about common courtesy. I heard China did something like this to address a problem they had with people spitting in public. I think it would be tax money well spent.
– Sandy

I’m a proud mama when I see my kids (young adults) offer their seats to the elderly.
– Sharon

I enjoyed your piece on Budapest transport. You might add that smoking is not allowed on vehicles (that’s common), but not allowed even at the stops, while waiting for their bus or tram!! Some people may get punished hard for doing so.
– Laci

Good article: maybe you should forward some of these to the TTC for them to incorporate in their public relations flyers that they have on buses, trains, etc., from time to time. It would help.
– Dawn

Excellent observations! And so well written!
– Eszter